private coaches help students find their way


Video length: 2 min

Parcoursup: private coaches help students find their way

Parcoursup: private coaches help students find their way – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S.Soubane, K.Adda-Rezig, A.Dupont, D.Fossard, T.Guéry, S.Gravelaine

France Televisions

Faced with the jungle of Parcoursup, some high school students turn to private coaches to help them find their way. In return for payment, they promise students access to training.

Each year, 600,000 high school graduates must enter ten higher education options on Parcoursup, a platform on which 21,000 courses are offered. To see things more clearly, some go through private coaches. A coach helps a high school student narrow down her choices. She gives him an hour and a half interview, more than the follow-up offered by the guidance counselor in his high school. “The meeting would have lasted 15 minutes during classes”, says Ormella Bachet, a final year high school student. For two sessions, his mother pays 390 euros.

1,600 students on average per guidance counselor

On the Internet, more expensive options exist, up to 890 euros for three files. A consultant assumes these rates. Its network of 40 coaches selects the wishes and helps write the cover letters. It promises results. On average, a guidance counselor monitors 1,600 students. “We cannot expect guidance counselors to provide such personalized support, which can be offered in a private setting”explains Anne-Claudine Oller, lecturer in educational sciences at LIRTES-UPEC.

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