“Migrants are a wealth for our country”, assures Aurélie Trouvé, deputy of La France Insoumise


Video duration: 10 min

Immigration law: “Migrants are a wealth for our country”, assures Aurélie Trouvé, deputy La France Insoumise

Immigration law: “Migrants are a wealth for our country”, assures Aurélie Trouvé, deputy La France Insoumise – (FRANCEINFO)

The joint committee meets on Monday December 18 to try to find a compromise on the text of the immigration law. Guests of 19/20 info, Aurélie Trouvé and Edwige Diaz, recall the line of their parties vis-à-vis the text.

A few days after the rejection of the immigration bill by the National Assembly, the joint committee (CMP) will meet on Monday, December 18 with one objective: to find a compromise between the National Assembly and the Senate on the text. Guest of 19/20 info, the deputy La France Insoumise Aurélie Trouvé indicates that the desire of her party is to reject the text, which she considers “based on racist and xenophobic ideas”. “Minister Gérald Darmanin has been chasing the ideas of the extreme right for a year, which stigmatize migrants”, she adds.

For Aurélie Trouvé, the government has moved away from the real concerns of the French. “Migrants are an asset to our country because they contribute to employment, income and also to the pension fund.”

A text deemed dangerous by the RN

For Edwige Diaz, RN deputy for Gironde and vice-president of the National Front, the text proposed by the government does not go far enough. “We consider that this text is dangerous for the French (…) because it is immigrationist and it does not correspond to their expectations“, she said. The MP recalls that the National Rally believes that immigration is too high in France: “They have to leave“, she adds.

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