the weariness of soldiers’ wives



Video length: 3 min

War in Ukraine: the weariness of soldiers’ wives

The war continues in Ukraine with the Ukrainian president demanding ever more weapons for his soldiers. Soldiers who are far from home. A situation which begins to provoke anger among the wives of these soldiers. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Perez, C. Kenck, D. Padalka, L. Lavieille

France Televisions

The war continues in Ukraine with the Ukrainian president demanding ever more weapons for his soldiers. Soldiers who are far from home. A situation which begins to provoke anger among the wives of these soldiers.

Demobilization, the return of soldiers home, is what these Ukrainian women are demanding, whose lives were turned upside down at the same time as that of their husbands, who left as volunteers to the front from the first days of the war. On the signs, we can read messages from children: “I want to see my father again“. But also strong words like “prisoners“, “hostages” or “army slaves“.

A rotation system

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