Tunisia completely dry


Video length: 2 min

Climate: Tunisia completely dry

Climate: Tunisia completely dry – (FRANCEINFO)

Article written by

franceinfo – B. Mousset, A. Lévêque

France Televisions

Residents of Ouled Omar, a remote region of Tunisia, are affected by a persistent drought. They must travel in intense heat to access a source of water, a commodity that has become rare.

In the remote region of Ouled Omar, 180 km from Tunis (Tunisia), where it is very hot almost all year round, it is better to own a donkey. This is the best way to access a water source and bring back a commodity that has become rare in cans. Persistent drought is caused by climate change. In this region, as throughout Tunisia, the poorest are most affected.

“We are living people who are already dead”

“We are living people already dead, forgotten by everyone. We have no roads, no water, no help, no decent housing. We own nothing”, deplores a woman. The lack of prospects has already led some residents of the village of Ouled Omar to leave the area. “Can an 80-year-old go to a spring to fill his jerrycans? It’s impossible”confides another woman.

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