with the Dynamite Shakers, a young garage rock group


Video length: 7 min

VIDEO. Trans Musicales de Rennes: with the Dynamite Shakers, garage rock group

“It’s a high-stakes date.” This evening, the Dynamite Shakers perform for the first time at the Trans Musicales in Rennes. Brut followed the members of the garage rock group, originally from Vendée and all aged around twenty. – (Raw.)

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France Televisions

“It’s a high-stakes date.” This evening, the Dynamite Shakers perform for the first time at the Trans Musicales in Rennes. Brut followed the members of the garage rock group, originally from Vendée and all aged around twenty.

“There are lots of legendary groups that have played there, like Nirvana, Daft Punk, and everything. For emerging artists, this date is super important”. Lila-Rose is the bassist for the garage rock band, the Dynamite Shakers. The group is performing this evening at the Trans Musicales in Rennes, a great first for them and a “date at stake“that they are waiting for”for months” specifies the bassist. “It’s been 2 years since we started doing real concert halls, but Trans is something that can shake things up a bit.” explains Elouan, guitarist and singer.

“We’ll see where it takes us”

All members of the group, the Dynamite Shakers, are 21 years old. They all almost stopped studying to concentrate on their true passion: music. “We all stopped, except Lila, who always skips classes, but who stopped, in fact, who just stopped there” indicates the singer who adds: “For the moment, that’s all we’re doing, but we can’t make a living from it yet. We’ll see where it takes us”. In the meantime, in a few minutes, they will make their entrance onto the stage of the Trans Musicales de Rennes, where the large audience is already waiting for them.

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