The Minister of Economy and Finance conditions the payment of this aid to prices which approach 2 euros per liter.
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It will only be activated if the price of fuel “explode”. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, warned, Thursday December 13 on BFMTV, that a price of 1.95 euros per liter of fuel seemed to him to be “a reasonable threshold” to activate the fuel allowance of 100 euros, reserved for low-income workers. According to figures provided by the government, the average price of a liter of unleaded 95 stood at 1.8 euros on Friday, that of SP95-10 at 1.76 euros and that of diesel at 1.74 euros.
This compensation, which only concerned the lowest 50% of households last year, will be extended according to new terms. If this aid were activated next year, it would be extended to 1.6 million additional beneficiaries, for a total cost of 600 million euros, according to the draft budget currently being examined in Parliament.
“If in February, March or even later, you have fuel prices that reach this level (…), immediately, we will put this protection system in place.”continued the number two in the government. “And those who work will be able to continue working without feeling upset because they are going to fill up their tanks which are too expensive”he continued.