faced with American pressure, the Israelis want to “show that they are masters of the game”, analyzes the vice-president of iReMMO



Video length: 8 min

War between Hamas and Israel: faced with American pressure, the Israelis want to “show that they are masters of the game”, analyzes the vice-president of iReMMO

War between Hamas and Israel: faced with American pressure, the Israelis want to “show that they are masters of the game”, analyzes the vice-president of iReMMO – (franceinfo)

Agnès Levallois, vice-president of iReMMo, is the guest of 19/20 info, Wednesday December 13. The Middle East specialist returns in particular to the latest statements by Israeli and American officials, in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The war will continue “with or without international support”declared the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wednesday December 13. “It’s systematic, as soon as there is actually tension with Washington, we see increasingly strong statements from Israeli officials, to clearly show that they are masters of the game and that they are not going to let themselves be impress by the pressures exerted by the Americans”analyzes Agnès Levallois, vice-president of the Institute of Mediterranean Middle East Research and Studies (iReMMo) and specialist in the Middle East, on the 19/20 info set.

Could Joe Biden withdraw his support for Israel?

On Tuesday, December 12, Washington warned Israel against an erosion of international support for its war. Could Joe Biden withdraw his support for the Jewish state? “We hear it more and more. It’s true that the images which continue to film all day long, with the bombings in Gaza which continue and with the total absence of perspective for afterwards, (…) are catastrophic”, affirms Agnès Levallois. According to her, “as long as Netanyahu cannot clearly say: ‘We have a war prize’ and therefore: ‘We have one of the leaders of Hamas’, (…) they will continue”.

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