on the front, soldiers call on Western allies not to cut arms deliveries

Volodymyr Zelensky is in Washington this Tuesday to meet Joe Biden, and above all to go to Congress to hope to convince the Republicans to release additional aid.

Article written by

Claude Guibal – Hélène Langlois, Yashar Fazylov

Radio France


Reading time: 2 min

Ukrainian soldiers in a trench on the country's eastern front, near Bakhmut.  (CLAUDE GUIBAL / RADIO FRANCE)

In their icy trench, near Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine, Arthur’s men, non-commissioned officer, fight against the Russians, but also against the elements. Because winter has fallen on Ukraine, and it is now very cold. Everything is frozen, terribly slippery, exhausting. And when told about the decline in Western support, Arthur’s icy blue eyes freeze. “If it decreases, it will be more difficult for us to continue than now, but we will do so according to our abilities.”

More than 8,000 kilometers away, the day is crucial for Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president is traveling to Washington on Tuesday, December 12. He must meet Joe Biden there, and go before the American Congress, which has committed more than 110 billion dollars since the start of the Russian invasion, but has not voted on a new envelope since last December.

The Republicans are blocking the payment of additional aid, decisive for the continuation of the conflict. Any delay in aid to kyiv is “a dream come true” for Moscow, according to Volodymyr Zelensky. “If there is anyone who is happy with the endless negotiations at the Capitol, it is Putin and his clique of deranged people”he accused.

“Give us weapons, that’s the solution”

On the ground, after six months of an unsuccessful counter-offensive, the soldiers beg their allies not to abandon them. On the southern front, near Kherson, or to the east, at Avdiivka, the fighting is still raging. Camped at the edge of the trench where he is training his men, Arthur has pulled his khaki hood up over his face. Near Bakhmout, very close to the eastern front line of the conflict, “It’s very difficult to explain the war to those who don’t know it”, he said, in the cold voice of those who have seen too much to talk about it.. “The front, first of all, is death. There are the trenches, the mud, the snow, the water. At every corner, you can come across trapped wires. War is scary, and It’s very hard.”

“Give us more weapons, more ammunition and we will do what we have to do.”

Arthur, a Ukrainian non-commissioned officer

at franceinfo

Under the frozen trees, a few boards are burning. Not even enough to heat up, barely enough to warm up some coffee. With the dry, biting wind, we can hear the snow crystals snapping. Basically, the explosions. “What we are asking is that there be no delay in deliveries. Don’t block them. Quite simply, give us weapons, that’s the solution”, insists Arthur. Despite the failure of the counter-offensive launched this summer, despite the winter which froze everything, despite the fatigue of the men, the replacement which is slow, at the front the determination is still intact.

On the Bakhmut front, Ukrainian soldiers call on Western allies not to cut arms deliveries – A report by Claude Guibal

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