If we have correctly understood Nadia Poirier and Jimmy Thibodeau, representatives of the executive of Option nationale, an independentist collective within Québec solidaire, in their letter published on December 5 in The dutytheir party would be resolutely pro-independence, even if polls tell us that more than half of their supporters are not for the independence of Quebec!
Rest assured, the authors tell us in Orwellian language, we are aware of this “great communicational challenge”, as if such a gap between the official discourse of the party and the convictions of their sympathizers, on a question as fundamental as that of independence, did not reveal an imposture, an internal division, but a simple communication problem! We are not talking about convincing, persuading, arguing, but about communicating better! Above all, we should not offend such a large group of federalists…
The surveys were conducted among solidarity supporters, and not among members and activists, the representatives argue, as if there was no convergence of ideas between the members, activists and supporters of their political organization!
Why not simply admit that those in solidarity are divided on the national question? To ask for this is not to demonstrate “ideological purity” as the two onists say, it is to demand a minimum of frankness and transparency from a group which says it wants to build a new country.
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