justice opens an investigation into the management of the RN town hall of Fréjus

This procedure follows the publication, at the beginning of November, of an investigative book which notably accuses the mayor, David Rachline, of arrangements with a powerful local construction contractor.


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David Rachline, responds to an interview, on March 2, 2022, in his town hall in Fréjus (Var).  (PHILIPE ARNASSAN / NICE MATIN / MAXPPP)

Justice will open an investigation into the town hall of Fréjus, led by National Rally mayor David Rachline, following a book calling into question its management, announced the Draguignan prosecutor’s office on Sunday December 10, confirming information from The Obs. This “Preliminary investigation” covered “cases involving the award of public contracts and cases possibly suggestive of illegal taking of interest and favoritism”specified the prosecutor, Pierre Couttenier, to the weekly.

The book Raptorswritten by the journalist from The Obs Camille Vigogne Le Coat and published at the beginning of November by Les Arènes, denounces David Rachline’s lifestyle, disproportionate in relation to his elected compensation. He also accuses it of arrangements with a powerful local construction contractor for the award of public contracts, far from the exemplary image claimed by the far-right party. He also relays the mayor’s drunken evenings, where racist remarks and anti-Semitic gestures are made.

“It is quite standard for the prosecution to open an investigation to find out whether what is indicated in this book is true or not. I find that quite natural at the moment”, reacted Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, on Europe 1 and CNews. Contacted by AFP, David Rachline could not immediately be reached. He declared several weeks ago that, according to him, there was no “not a factual element which tends to demonstrate that the procedures are not respected” for public procurement.

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