a vast operation leads to the arrest of 80 people



Video length: 1 min

Child crime: a vast operation leads to the arrest of 80 people

Child crime: a vast operation leads to the arrest of 80 people – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Portes, D. Olliéric, M. Gracia, J. Weyl, A. Lo Cascio, O. Pergament

France Televisions

In the fight against child crime, nearly a hundred people have been arrested. Among them, 13 were deemed dangerous and imprisoned.

A huge dragnet: 80 men arrested, and hundreds of thousands of images seized. This is the largest operation ever carried out in France against child crime. Among the arrests, profiles considered worrying by investigators, some close to the act. Another reason for concern was that several people arrested worked in contact with children. For example, a school teacher suspected of having sexually assaulted one of his students. Photos of children in his care were found in his home.

51 people in court

Another profile, a supervisor in a home for disabled children. Already convicted of sexual assault, a change of identity allowed him to work with minors again.

For Martine Brousse, president of the “La Voix de l’Enfant” association, the priority is to find the children exhibited in these videos: “You should know that behind these images it is not artificial. Thousands of children are victims of rape, acts of torture and barbarity.”. 51 people were brought to justice. 13 were deemed dangerous and imprisoned, the others were placed under judicial supervision.

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