Emmanuel Macron promises a “meeting with the nation” in January to send “a message of unity”

The Head of State spoke to the daily “Le Monde” during a discreet visit to the Pantheon to prepare for the entry of resistance fighter of Armenian origin Missak Manouchian.


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President Emmanuel Macron during a research event at the Elysée in Paris, December 7, 2023. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

A meeting, but for what purpose? Emmanuel Macron spoke of a future “meeting with the nation” to send “a message of unity”in confidences slipped into everyday life The worldalongside a visit to the Pantheon. “The role I have assigned to myself is to hold the country together”he declared, during a discreet visit to the Pantheon to prepare for the entry of resistance fighter of Armenian origin Missak Manouchian, shot by the Germans during the Occupation.

Many fears have recently been expressed about the solidity of the French social fabric, put under tension by the risk of importing the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the attacks against Arras high school teacher Dominique Bernard and more recently in the neighborhood Bir-Hakeim in Paris. “The time has come for a meeting with the nation”said the head of state, without giving further details on an initiative which could take place in January, according to The world. “We must restore hope, a taste for the future”he adds, “remind France of itself” And “to what it is”, “what constitutes us”.

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