This Thursday, December 7, 2023, France 2 broadcast a new issue of the show Additional Investigation. This time, it was the actor Gérard Depardieu who was the subject of an investigation
, he who is currently accused of rape and sexual assault by several women. The documentary reveals shocking images never before revealed of the actor in North Korea in 2018, during a trip with writer Yann Moix. We see the monster of French cinema behaving like a cad with all the women he meets, multiplying obscene allusions and inappropriate remarks.
“You’re going to take a nice shower, you’re going to think of me… Her little pussy” he says, for example, to a young woman who doesn’t understand French. A scene which shocked many viewers shows the 74-year-old actor visiting a stud farm. He then gives his more than abject opinion on women and their practice of horse riding and assures that they feel “sensations” when they are on horseback. He then analyzes the practice of a little girl of around 10 years old. : “If she ever gallops, she cums… She’s my girl, keep going…” he says in front of several other men.
The broadcast of these images generated a wave of reactions on social networks. We note here Juju Fitcats’ reactionfitness girl who became host on the show France has an unbelievable talent on M6. “Want to vomit. Mr. Depardieu, if we riders ride horses, it is because these “animals” are much more human, intelligent and respectful than you will ever be.” she said on X (formerly Twitter).
Gérard Depardieu facing justice
As a reminder, Gérard Depardieu was indicted on December 16, 2020 for rape and sexual assault after another complaint from the actress Charlotte Arnould, who denounced two rapes at the actor’s Parisian home at the end of August 2018.
In the summer of 2020, she obtained that the investigation, first closed by the prosecution in June 2019, be entrusted to an investigating judge. Since then, around ten other women have accused Gérard Depardieu of sexual violence in the press. In October 2023 the actor, who firmly denies all these accusations, broke his silence in an open letter published in Le Figaro. The actor assures that he is “neither a rapist nor a predator” in an open letter published in Le Figaro.
Want to vomit Mr. Depardieu, if we riders ride horses, it’s because these “animals” are much more human, intelligent and respectful than you will ever be.
— Juju Fitcats (@jujufitcats) December 7, 2023