The Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, welcomes the adoption of Bill 23

The Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, welcomed the adoption of Bill 23 on Thursday. All opposition elected officials voted against its reform.

The bill was adopted with the support of the 76 CAQ deputies present at the Salon bleu. The 29 elected opposition representatives, including independent deputies, voted against the adoption of the legislative text.

“Thanks to this new law, we are improving the efficiency of the network. I am convinced that better coherence between government direction and the field, improved access to data and the creation of the National Institute of Excellence in Education will be beneficial for the success of our young people,” welcomed the Minister Drainville.

The Minister of Education’s reform encountered several reluctances. Just the day before the vote on its adoption, professors wrote to the CAQ deputies imploring them to vote against the bill.

Earlier in the week, education unions, university professors and public school defenders also asked Minister Drainville to abandon his reform. This concentrates several powers in the hands of the Minister of Education, notably that of overturning the decisions of school service centers and appointing and dismissing their general directors — except in the case of the English-speaking network. The minister also wants to have his say on the continuing training of teachers.

Oppositions in the National Assembly have firmly opposed the reform, a project which, according to them, is driven by a “politburo” and has the air of a “dinner for idiots”. Minister Drainville believes instead that the acquisition of more “proven data” by his ministry will have positive effects on the academic success of students. The National Institute for Excellence in Education, which will be created following the entry into force of the law, will, among other things, determine best practices in education and synthesize knowledge about student academic success.

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