the pain of Estelle Mouzin’s family


Video length: 1 min

Trial of Monique Olivier: the pain of Estelle Mouzin’s family

Members of Estelle Mouzin’s family testified on Wednesday December 6 during the trial of Monique Olivier. The family said they were devastated by the disappearance of the little girl who was 9 years old at the time. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – D. Schlienger, L. Feuerstein, A. Forteile, S. Tester, E. De Pourquery, S. Gravelaine

France Televisions

Members of Estelle Mouzin’s family testified on Wednesday December 6 during the trial of Monique Olivier. The family said they were devastated by the disappearance of the little girl who was 9 years old at the time.

They have been seeking the truth for 20 years now, and on Wednesday December 6, for the first and undoubtedly the last time, those close to Estelle Mouzin faced Monique Olivier during her trial before the Assize Court, to testify and trying to get answers from the only one who can still hold them. It has been 7,636 days since Estelle Mouzin disappeared. The girl was then 9 years old. His body has never been found. Everyone tells the jurors the void left by this tragedy, the sadness, and also the anger.

A lack of response which disappointed

In a letter, the older sister protests: “You took Estelle from us and by your silence, you prevent us from finding her body. She is still alone, buried in the forest, in the dark.” By videoconference, Estelle’s mother calls Monique Olivier, from one mother to another. Head down, the accused remains stoic. And when she is called to the stand, she says she has no specific memories. A lack of response which disappointed but which did not surprise the Mouzin family.

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