Climate crisis: “We must hit Total, BNP and Crédit Agricole” by taxing “superprofits”, declares Yannick Jadot


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Climate crisis: “We must hit Total, BNP and Crédit Agricole” by taxing “superprofits”, calls environmentalist senator Yannick Jadot

Yannick Jadot, environmentalist senator from Paris, was the guest of “Quatre Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday November 29. – (France 2)

“Public money today finances groups which are calling into question our living conditions,” laments the environmentalist senator, guest of “Quatre Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday.

COP28 will open on Thursday November 30 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). “We have been negotiating the climate for 28 years, and we see that we are falling further and further behind, so it is extremely worrying”, alerted Yannick Jadot in the “Quatre Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday November 29. In order to respond to the climate challenge, “We have to hit Total, BNP and Crédit Agricole”, launched the environmentalist senator from Paris. To do this, “We must tax super profits”he enjoined.

“They benefit from state aid, subsidies, tax credits, exemptions from contributions. Basically, public money today finances groups which are calling into question our living conditions “lamented Yannick Jadot. “At some point, the government must say to itself that these groups are participating in the misfortune of the world, in climate collapse”he added.

“Triple renewable energies”

“We have the impression that our societies, our economies, are refusing to face obstacles in relation to climate challenges”, regretted the former presidential candidate. Yannick Jadot also called for a “fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty” and to “triple renewable energies” at the global level, but also “invest in sobriety and energy efficiency”.

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