Delays and telephone lines pose a problem for the Canada Revenue Agency

Inaccurate information, difficulties in contacting an agent, freezing of a bank account without warning… Numerous flaws in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) have been identified by the Office of the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman (BOC), François Boileau. Its annual report was released Tuesday morning in Ottawa.

66% of the 2,188 complaints received relate to the quality of service provided by the ARC contact centers. Most stem from dissatisfaction with the agency’s main telephone line.

“This year, like many others, Canadians told us that the agency does not always provide them with complete, accurate, clear and timely information,” underlines Mr. Boileau in his report.

Its investigation reveals in particular the existence of excessive waiting times, the receipt of contradictory or inconsistent information, or calls interrupted prematurely.

A complainant allegedly alleged that an agent confirmed having received a document validating his eligibility for tax credits, while another agent allegedly asserted that the CRA had never received these same documents.

“Some complainants told us they couldn’t reach a contact center agent when they needed to speak to the agency. Some also told us that the agency had not reviewed their request in a timely manner and had not provided information on the delay,” we read in the fifty-page report.

Among the shortcomings raised in this new annual report, we also note significant delays in obtaining benefits related to COVID-19 and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB).

“Rude” and “aggressive”

Nearly 17% of complaints were related to the fifth right set out in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, guaranteeing Canadians the right “to be treated professionally, courteously and fairly by the Canada Revenue Agency.”

François Boileau notes that despite the fact that most CRA agents respect the standards of courtesy, some have also been “rude, aggressive, demanding and impatient.”

“Unprofessional behavior should never be tolerated at the Agency and the Agency must take appropriate action when it becomes aware of such behavior. However, we also know that callers can sometimes also behave in a disrespectful manner,” he adds.

Punishment without warning

Some complainants also alleged that the CRA took legal action against them for a debt — which could mean freezing their bank account and garnishing their wages — without first notifying them.

However, the problem had already been noted in 2019. “The existence of the debt was not in question, but the taxpayer had the impression of not having received notice before the CRA took legal action », noted Mr. Boileau four years ago.

Recommendations were then made to improve legal warning policies.

In light of continued complaints in this regard this year, “additional work may be needed to determine whether there are other opportunities for the agency to improve its service.”


In light of his report, the ombudsman made four recommendations. He emphasizes the need for the CRA to “proactively inform Canadians, on, of delays that a program may experience.”

It is recommended that the agency update its processing time tracking tool to include tax returns and tax requests subject to internal deadlines not defined by service standards. Simplifying the administrative procedures of tax centers is also recommended.

Finally, the Ombudsman recommends that the CRA find new ways to estimate and identify non-filers in Canada and their demographic composition.

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