The 2022 financial resolutions of the 24 heures team

Our end of the year is not as encouraging as hoped, it must be admitted. All the more reason so that in 2022, our projects will become a source of motivation that will help us stay the course on what still seems so vague to us for the moment: the future! And since the start of a new year is a good time to take stock, our team was asked to tell us about their big financial resolutions and what they will do in concrete to achieve their goals.

All without rose-colored glasses, without excessive ambitions, or NFT.

Happy New Year 2022 from the Porte -onnaie team!

Anne-Sophie Roy, content manager - Wallet

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Anne-Sophie Roy, content manager – Wallet

Anne-Sophie Roy, content manager – Wallet

“2021 has been a year of financial renewal for me. I paid off my debts, paid for my car and offered myself an unforeseen move. In 2022, it’s time to rebuild my savings and for that, I set myself the goal of investing 25% of my income in my TFSA so that I can become a homeowner within 2 years. It’s a bold goal – especially in inflationary times – but direct transfers with every payday will help me stay on track with my plans. “

Jean-Michel Clermont-Goulet, content producer

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Jean-Michel Clermont-Goulet, content producer

Jean-Michel Clermont-Goulet, content producer

“With the arrival of the pandemic, I was able to cut unnecessary expenses (cafes, snacks here and there, etc.), teleworking requires. However, the arrival of a first baby, it impacts a wallet quite a bit. I, who love to save, have seen my savings melt faster than the ice cap! In 2022, I plan to reinvest more in my TFSA, regain my financial cushion of yesteryear, continue to contribute to my little Marjorie’s RESP and repay my credit card as much as possible at the end of each month (my financial advisor would be proud to me, for real). “

Camille Dauphinais-Pelletier, Content Manager - Politics and Society

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Camille Dauphinais-Pelletier, Content Manager – Politics and Society

Camille Dauphinais-Pelletier, Content Manager – Politics and Society

“My main financial goal in 2022 is to better structure my savings. I’m pretty good at putting money aside, but I have a sad habit of letting that sit in an account with a ridiculous interest rate. However, I know that it is a good time to invest, but since it is a subject which interests me little, I always say to myself that “I will look at this later”. Let’s start the year off on the right foot: by the end of January, I want to have my savings in order and have clearer return goals. “

Andrea Lubeck, content producer

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Andrea Lubeck, content producer

Andrea Lubeck, content producer

“In 2021, I was finally able to achieve a financial balance with which I am comfortable. I actually made my first (big) RRSP contribution! At 30, it’s not too early. For 2022, I therefore set myself a resolution to continue to accumulate money for retirement. And since I have maintained my good savings habits all year round, my second resolution is to treat myself to a trip. “

Julien Lamoureux, content producer

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Julien Lamoureux, content producer

Julien Lamoureux, content producer

“I was fortunate not to lose my job during the pandemic and with life having come to a standstill, it was easier than usual to save. Now I would like to take advantage of the return to normalcy. That’s why, in 2022, I want to increase my budget dedicated to entertainment and activities. Music shows and festivals, restaurants, trips outdoors, maybe a trip … all while keeping a certain discipline, of course. “

Daphnée Hacker, chef - video content

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Daphnée Hacker, chef – video content

Daphnée Hacker, chef – video content

“During the pandemic, I used my travel budget to renovate the house. For next year, I would like to be able to travel again, so I have to plan to save for this, but I would also like to increase my savings in TFSAs and RRSPs. I believe that in order to achieve these two goals, I will have to make a very clear budget of my expenses, and maybe learn to limit some that are not essential, like clothes. “

Anne-Lovely Étienne, content producer

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Anne-Lovely Étienne, content producer

Anne-Lovely Étienne, content producer

“The year 2021 has been a great period of financial readjustment. Not only did I acquire a second property, but I had to shell out unexpectedly large sums on my first property. To replenish the coffers, the objective is therefore to put my first property up for sale. With the profit generated by this transaction, I want to acquire a financial advisor specializing in investments and investments in order to diversify my portfolio. “

Félix Pedneault, content producer

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Félix Pedneault, content producer

Félix Pedneault, content producer

“For me, deconfinement was not a great savings opportunity …! Next year, without holding back on living, I want to be careful about my spending on restaurants and going out. As I don’t yet have a big, clear financial project like buying a property or a vehicle, I want to save quietly by regularly putting money aside. For 2022, I would also seek to acquire financial assets in which I believe, for example from green companies which will grow and which will have a positive ecological impact. “

Alex Proteau, content producer

Photo credit: Lydia Mailloux

Alex Proteau, content producer

Alex Proteau, content producer

“In the past two years, I have had a lot of unforeseen events like moving to an apartment and changing cars. For 2022, the mandate is simple: simply save! To do this, I plan to invest a greater percentage of my pay in my TFSA, continue to put money in my RRSPs and start educating myself on investing in the stock market. ”

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