More than half a million public sector union members take to the streets

The strike movement in the public sector reached its peak on Thursday with the walkout of more than 550,000 state employees.

In addition to the 420,000 union members of the Common Front in health, social services and education, there are 80,000 members of the Interprofessional Health Federation of Quebec (FIQ) and the 66,500 teachers of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE).

The FIQ begins a series of two days of walkouts, while the FAE launches an indefinite general strike.

In Montreal, an FAE gathering is planned at Jarry Park from 11 a.m. Union members from various regions (Outaouais, Laurentides, etc.) will participate. The demonstrators will march to the monument of Sir George-Étienne Cartier, on avenue du Parc. Organizers expect tens of thousands of people.

The Common Front is holding a large gathering at Parc des Faubourg, near the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, in the Centre-Sud district.

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