Geert Wilders’ far-right party came first in the legislative elections on Wednesday in the Netherlands. This party notably promised a referendum on the country’s remaining in the EU. “It is up to the Dutch people to choose their destiny, as the British people did,” said Marine Le Pen on France Inter.
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“I am delighted with this victory” of Geert Wilders and his far-right party PVV (Freedom Party) in the legislative elections in the Netherlands, reacted Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group in the Assembly, Thursday November 23 on France Inter. “Geert Wilders and his movement are allies of the National Rally” in Europe, she applauded, while recognizing that the one who is sometimes described as “Dutch Trump” has “statements which are shocking and which can sometimes be shocking”.
“It’s his method”estimated Marine Le Pen. “I don’t have to endorse or not endorse. I’m looking for allies in Europe, not clones. I’m not Geert Wilders, he’s not Marine Le Pen (…) To make yourself heard, sometimes, when we are a movement that does not yet have the necessary audience, some believe that it is useful precisely to shock”.
According to the leader of the RN deputies, the victory of the PVV in the Netherlands “demonstrates that more and more countries within the European Union are contesting its functioning and wish that we can once again control immigration which is considered by many European peoples to be both massive and today totally anarchic “.
Geert Wilders’ party notably promised a referendum on whether or not the Netherlands should remain in the European Union. “It is up to the Dutch people to choose their destiny, as the British people did”estimated Marine Le Pen. “But the result of this referendum”if it takes place, “raises the question of what the European Union has become, that is to say an obese technocratic structure which advances through sanctions and threats”she continued.
“Ultimately, what is needed, and what we are fighting for in the European Parliament, is precisely to radically change the functioning of the European Union (…) We are running for the European elections because we think that it is possible to have a union of European nations on major projects, to be able to do together what we cannot do alone, and while respecting the sovereignty of nations”explained Marine Le Pen.