Rima Abdul-Malak also stressed that France is “not in favor of European regulation of the press, or the creation of a super European press regulator”, as proposed by the European Commission.
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The States General of Information, “it will not be the big legislative evening”said Wednesday, November 22, the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul-Malak during the Media Day in Seine, organized in Echoes and on Radio France.
Guest of the round table “Independence of the press and pluralism: what are the challenges for democracy?”, the minister specified that the General Conference on Information, launched in July 2023 at the initiative of Emmanuel Macron, will make it possible to “see if there are any legislative reinforcements” to be implemented in the sector: “These will be modernizations of laws which have not taken into account all the digital developments which have been impacting us for a number of years.”Rima Abdul-Malak, Minister of Culture
“The idea is to adapt these laws to the digital age”
Rima Abul-Malak hopes that these States General of Information will be “citizen mobilization and a citizen debate on the common good of information”. She wishes “possibly legislative developments” if that is necessary. She considers that the law of 1986, on the regulation of media concentration, “needs updating”in the same way “the Bloche law of 2016”aimed at strengthening the freedom, independence and pluralism of the media, “could be strengthened”. “The idea is to adapt these laws to the digital age.” The States General of Information must make proposals before the summer of“legislative, regulatory developments or reforms which do not pass by law or regulations”.
The Minister of Culture is therefore waiting “developments” For “see how to reform aid to the press if we have to reform it. Should we cap it, should we condition it?” She also hopes that the States General will bring “raising awareness of the issue of media and information education. It’s crucial”. She wants “think about the future of our democracy” at a time when younger generations “get information on TikTok or other social networks”.
We must “share a strategy with our European colleagues”
“How to educate in the use of these networks”, asks the minister. Rima Abdul-Malak also discusses the problem of “foreign interference” in information. “The Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs are extremely concerned by these phenomena which are disrupting our democracy and other countries”, underlines Rima Abdul-Malak. On these interferences, it is necessary “share a strategy with our European colleagues”. She adds that “artificial intelligence topics” will also be discussed during these general information meetings.
Rima Abdul-Malak also stressed that France is not “not in favor of European regulation of the press, or the creation of a super European press regulator”, as proposed on September 16, 2022 by the European Commission with the European Media Freedom Act, a European project which aims to guarantee free media and ensure their plurality. She will address this issue on Friday in Brussels during the European Council. “I will reiterate this position for France. We are very clear”assures the Minister of Culture.