has he just taken Stéphane Rotenberg’s place on M6?

Actor Philippe Bas, ex-boyfriend of Lorie Pester, will be at the helm of the next event game.Destination, soon on M6! This is the big news that the channel announced, which talks about a “addictive road trip across Europe with 10 candidates“.”A whole new format” which was not entrusted to the usual host, Stéphane Rotenberg.

And why not Stéphane Rotenberg?

The latter was on the set of “Top Chef” at the same time. And it must be said that the star of “Beijing Express“did not have very favorable results this summer. Its three shows, “The road of chests“, “Snack masters And “The perfect photo“did not achieve good audiences, in fact, M6 would prefer to”Destination, try the adventure with a new face. And this is the first time that the 50-year-old handsome guy, seen in the TF1 series, “Profiling” between 2012 and 2020, will try his hand at the exercise.

Produced by itv studios France, “Destinationis an adaptation of the Belgian show, broadcast since February 20 on the Belgian Flemish channel VTM. The program will also be adapted in the United States, on NBC, as well as in the United Kingdom, on the BBC. Its innovative concept is as follows: candidates board a bus with opaque windows, which will travel across Europe.

A show that could be a hit

At each stop, the bus stops and contestants must find out where they are. Their ultimate goal is to achieve their “host”, who is hiding somewhere in Europe. The one who is furthest from reality is eliminated, and so on until the winner. The prize: a nice check for €100,000. To be continued in 2024…


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