Doctor targeted for encouraging cancellation of holiday gatherings

Ontario palliative care doctor Naheed Dosani has caught the wrath of hundreds of Canadians on Twitter after urging the cancellation of rallies over Christmas.

Dr Dosani, founder of a palliative care center for the homeless, spoke a lot on social media during the pandemic. The wave of criticism started yesterday, as he posted on Twitter: “Retweet this post if you’ve canceled your vacation rally plans and know you’ve made the right choice.” “

If some congratulated him and thanked him for taking this position, the responses collecting the most “likes” accused him rather of wanting to instill a feeling of guilt.

“I have done the right thing since March 2020, including limiting contact, getting vaccinated and wearing a mask. I booked my reminder [de vaccin] for February 2nd which was the earliest date I could get. Don’t try to blame people who want to see their parents at Christmas, ”reads the doctor’s tweet in particular.

A few hours later, the founder and owner of the media Rebel News, Ezra Levant, announced on Twitter that he was offering a reward of $ 5,000 to “anyone who submits a video of this alarmist doctor breaking the sanitary rules”. He invited his subscribers to send him a “confidential” email. The tweet has now been deleted.

The reactions were then linked, some insulting Naheed Dosani by qualifying him as a “sheep”, others denouncing the harassment towards him. The support hashtag #IStandWithDrDosani is now “trending” on Twitter in Canada, becoming the second most discussed topic on the social network.

Dr Dosani thanked users for endorsing him with that hashtag and sending him positive messages.

Last Tuesday, Ezra Levant was already controversial for the same reason, having promised an equivalent reward “in cash” to anyone who would film “the tyrant of public health, Dr. Thomas Piggott, violating his own absurd, abusive and unscientific rules. “. Dr Piggot of Public Health in Peterborough, Ont., Had just announced new health measures.

Many doctors and scientists have spoken on the social network, urging to calm criticism of medical staff as the Omicron variant is more threatening than ever.

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