Olympic Park | NOFX one last time in Montreal

(Montreal) The American punk group NOFX will be in Montreal for one last time next summer as part of its final tour.

evenko announced Monday that the quartet will give two outdoor concerts at the Olympic Park on August 24 and 25. These will be their “last shows forever” on Quebec soil, specifies the event promoter in a press release.

The group made up of four members – Fat Mike (vocalist/bassist), guitarists Eric Melvin and El Hefe, drummer “Smelly” Eric Sandin – began its Final Round which plans stops in 40 cities around the world.

NOFX appeared on the music scene in 1983 in Los Angeles. Since then, he has sold more than six million records and is renowned for pushing boundaries on stage.

This series of concerts will be no exception, we promise.

“We have given more than 2000 shows in 33 countries, in more than 300 cities, and […] we’re a little tired. One thing I am certain of is that this will be the most emotional, heartbreaking and fantastic tour of our career,” Fat Mike said in a press release.

evenko indicates that, for each performance, NOFX will perform 40 songs, including complete albums and “rarities”. The group plans a different program every evening in order to offer a unique concert to its admirers.

Two dates are also planned for next August in Edmonton. The tour NOFX Final Tour is scheduled to stop in Australia, Europe and North America over the next year.

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