Public sector | Still no agreement reached between Quebec and the unions

On the eve of a week marked by three different strikes by public sector workers, the debate between Quebec and the unions continued in public on Sunday, with no agreement in sight.

In a video published on

The week promises to be busy for many parents whose children will stay at home due to strikes in Quebec public schools. But the education sector is not the only one affected. From Tuesday to Thursday in particular, the 420,000 public sector workers represented by the Common Front unions will be on strike.

No agreement between the government and the unions had been reached at the end of the day Sunday. More bargaining days have been added to the calendar this week, meaning bargaining committees will be able to discuss during strikes.

In a video published on X on Sunday, the president of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, called on the unions for “more flexibility”. An outing which stung the unions concerned, who were quick to respond online.

A “historic” offer

Sonia LeBel first recalled that Quebec had already submitted four offers, the most recent amounting to 8 billion dollars. “And I have no counter-offer, I have not been offered anything in return,” she lamented. She also stressed that her government had agreed to “historic salary increases”.

For the Interprofessional Health Federation of Quebec (FIQ), the Quebec government’s proposals are “contemptuous for healthcare professionals and irresponsible for the safety of healthcare”, published the FIQ on X.

“Ms. LeBel, it is not the number of offers that counts, but what they contain,” retorted the union. There are limits ! »

The branch representing Montreal, Laval and Montérégie of the Quebec Public and Parapublic Service Union, for its part, underlined that the $8 billion offered by the government was spread over five years and distributed among more than 760,000 employees.

“Which represents for some an increase of a little more than $35 per week on their paycheck,” specifies the union. All is relative. »

The importance of working conditions

In her video, Minister Sonia LeBel also insists on improving the working conditions of state employees and services to the population.

“If we only give salary increases, the daily life of the teacher who finds their class too difficult will not be changed,” she illustrates. That of the nurse who has to work compulsory overtime at the last minute and who has to reorganize her family and her life will not be changed. »

In his opinion, the current negotiations are a chance to improve things. “We cannot miss our shot, we must seize the opportunity,” she insists.

The Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) wanted to correct the facts put forward by LeBel. “New union submissions were made at all sectoral tables to talk about working conditions. But the [gouvernement] doesn’t even want to discuss it…”, she said on X.

“Proposals, signals, we gave a lot to the table. It’s not because we didn’t spread it on social media that it wasn’t done,” also added the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN).

The Alliance of Professors of Montreal also responded to M’s videome LeBel, indicating that his “requests were filed in October 2022” and, since then, detailed many times. Beyond salary increases, classroom conditions will have to be reviewed to attract and retain teachers, however, this union recognizes.

Thousands of workers on strike

The Inter-Union Common Front, which is made up of the CSN, the APTS, the CSQ and the FTQ, and which represents 420,000 members, will get the ball rolling this week with its walkout which will take place on November 21, 22 and 23 . This strike will affect health, social services, schools and college establishments. In particular, all public schools in Quebec will be closed, from elementary to college.

Then the Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ), which has 80,000 nurses and other healthcare professionals, will in turn walk off the job on November 23 and 24.

As of Thursday, November 23, the 66,000 teachers of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) will begin an indefinite general strike. This will affect public schools in certain school service centers in Montreal, Quebec, Estrie, Montérégie and Outaouais.

With The Canadian Press

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