Education: towards a return of uniform to school?


Video duration:
2 min

Education: towards a return of uniform to school?

The introduction of a uniform in French schools is a sea serpent. In certain private establishments, students have adopted it. What are the benefits? Response elements. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J. Wild, C. Théophilos, J. Chouquet

France Televisions

The introduction of a uniform in French schools is a sea serpent. In certain private establishments, students have adopted it. What are the benefits? Response elements.

In Lyon (Rhône), Delphine adopted the uniform of her private college. After five brothers and sisters, putting on this outfit seems obvious to the little girl. “JI’m not a big fan of fashion. So, it’s good because like that, we can’t say that we have better t-shirts than the others“, assures Delphine. This pedagogy of equality, valid from sixth grade, is appreciated by parents. “First of all, it doesn’t cost much to buy. Establishments choose clothes that are inexpensive“, assures Charlotte Grossetête, the little girl’s mother.

No study from France

His little comrades also took the plunge. The outfit is the same for everyone, every day. Some came from the audience and were a little surprised at first. “For me, it was that in schools in England there are uniforms“, laughs Gustave. Marie de Mazières, French teacher, believes that they are “simply there to learn, to make friends, far from comparison”. According to the establishment, the uniform would also help fight against the brand war. The benefits are difficult to measure, because there are no studies in France.

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