Demonstrators demand better funding for public transportation

Dozens of people demonstrated in downtown Montreal on Sunday morning to demand that the Quebec government fund more public transportation.

“Public transportation is essential to decongest and secure our cities,” declared in a press release Mathieu Murphy-Perron, spokesperson for Vélorution Montréal, an organization which claims to be “against the domination of the car” and which organized walking.

“The all-driving culture harms the entire population, including motorists. We must offer reliable and accessible alternatives to the population to reduce the number of cars in our metropolis. It is certainly not by reducing metro service hours that we will see fewer traffic jams in Montreal. With the CAQ, we are really next to the track », adds Mr. Murphy-Perron.

The demonstration was organized in the wake of Radio-Canada’s revelations last month that the Montreal metro could have to close at 11 p.m. and open at 9 a.m. on weekends, among other things, if funding for corporations transportation system in Greater Montreal is not improved.

“No more buses, no more metro,” the participants chanted in unison. The demonstration started at Victoria Square at 11 a.m. and was heading further north from the city center at the time of writing.

The female co-spokesperson for Québec Solidaire, Manon Massé, and the Solidaire MP for Verdun, party spokesperson for the Environment, Alejandra Zaga-Mendez, are present.

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