“I never forgave him”

Since October 23, 2022, Frédéric Lopez receives every Sunday in the countryside three personalities, to converse with them about their childhood, their personal life, their career and so many other confidences, each more sweet and surprising than the other… This Sunday, November 19, 2023, the emblematic host of Meeting in unknown land and of Panic in the headset received the actor Francis Huster alongside chef Jean-François Piège and singer and impersonator Véronic DiCaire. For the first time, the 75-year-old actor spoke modestly the love story he experienced with Isabelle Adjani at the start of his career, when both shared the stage at the Comédie-Française.

Between 1971 and 1981, Francis Huster was a member of the Comédie-Française. At the same time, Isabelle Adjani, then aged 17, enters this prestigious cultural institution, which she will leave very quickly, to begin a cinematographic career. After having been for a time the companion of André DussolierIsabelle Adjani shared the life of Francis Huster for five years, but the two lovebirds saw their love story end, at the very moment when the singer and actress made the decision to leave the Comédie-Française… painful relationship, to which Francis Huster returned for the first time, revealing not to have “never forgiven” to her ex about the professional choice she made.

She favored her career over art

“It lasted five years. The problem is that the story has lasted for 40 years, but when all of a sudden, Isabelle decided to leave the Comédie-Française to work in cinema, instead of agreeing to become a member and stay for ten years, that is to say sacrificing all the roles of Phèdre, Juliette, Bérénice, all the greatest roles; being the Sarah Bernhardt of her time. I have not forgiven him, because if we had been able to perform these four-five duets and masterpieces, the young people would have followed. If today, Kev Adams, Jamel Debbouze, Jean Dujardin played these roles, young people would really follow.” condemns the one who then shared Cristina Reali’s life for more than fifteen years.

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