Princess Charlène causes a sensation with an outfit in the colors of the Monaco flag for Monaco National Day

Charlene of Monaco was alongside the entire Monegasque princely family this Sunday, November 19, on the occasion of Monaco’s national day. For the occasion, the 45-year-old former South African sportswoman, who appears less often alongside her husband in recent years due to numerous health concerns and possible friction that the couple may experience according to various tabloids (but which have always been denied by those concerned), was present, and caused a sensation with her outfit all in redwhich referred, according to royalty experts, to the Monegasque flag.

The Princess Consort of Monaco, since her marriage to Prince Albert II in 2012, wore a head-to-toe monochrome outfit : red hat, long red wool coat, red thigh-high boots, red gloves… Even the most insignificant details were carefully chosen, such as the earrings, also poppy red. An appearance which delighted fans of the Monegasque princely family, worried about Charlene Wittstock, who has been struggling for several years against serious ENT problems. Interviewed last September, she reassured them, claiming to be cured: “Today, I feel in great shape, happy and serene. I hope to be able to return to sport soon. I walk regularly but I would like to get back into swimming training, to regain a little more energy and feel stronger.”

The whole royal family was present

For this very special day, Albert and Charlene of Monaco were able to count on the entire royal family: their children Gabriella and Jacques were present, surrounded by their aunts Caroline of Hanover and Stéphanie of Monaco. Andrea Casiraghi, Pierre CasiraghiBeatrice Borromeo, Tatiana Santo Domingo, Princess Alexander of Hanover, Louis, Pauline and Marie Ducruet, and Camille Gottlieb were also there. The princely family attended, as every year, the traditional Te Deum mass, which was celebrated for the fourth consecutive year by Monsignor Dominique-David at Notre-Damme Immaculée Cathedral.

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