Consumption: behind the scenes of the Toulouse wholesale market




Article written by

L. Bazizin, L. Pekez, J. Cordier – France 3

France Televisions

At the Toulouse wholesale market (Haute-Garonne), wholesalers are getting ready to deliver the much sought after Christmas products. Some see prices rising.

More than 80 wholesale companies are working to meet demand in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), Wednesday December 22. In particular, they prepare stocks of litchis from Reunion, a very popular fruit during the end-of-year celebrations. Prices are debated among professionals. “A good pastry has its cost, so does a good fruit”, says Éric Fabre, best worker of France Primeur. On the poultry side, prices have increased by 5% at 10% these last weeks. Gers guinea fowl capon, the best-selling poultry for Christmas, costs over 9 euros per kilo.

On the tide side, lobster and lobster from Brittany attract customers. Others are turning to salmon, which is the most expensive commodity. “Usually, it will take between 30% and 40% of increase over the Christmas period and there, we can add between 10% and 15% again because of Brexit”, details Boris Gourgue, wholesaler at La Marée Guivarc’h. Restaurateurs, on the other hand, stock up on oysters so that everything be ready on the day of Christmas.

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