The City of Montreal’s budget was made public this Wednesday. In addition to the increase in residential taxes, which will increase by 4.9% on average on the island of Montreal, here are the main elements of the Plante administration’s 2024 budgetary framework.
- Montreal presents a budget of 7 billion, up 3.5% for next year.
- Everything is financed by an average increase of $227 in residential tax bills, the equivalent of 4.9% on average for taxpayers.
- During this time, the size of the municipal apparatus will continue to grow and will include 400 additional positions. In the boroughs, 188 positions are being added to meet various needs.
- Valérie Plante’s administration does not plan any significant spending cuts. On the contrary, it intends to invest more money in its priorities, for a total of 234.8 million in additional spending next year.
- The public security budget for 2024 is up by $35.5 million compared to the 2023 budget.
- The Montreal police still far exceeded their 2023 budget. The municipal council had granted them 788 million, while their expenses should ultimately amount to 830 million. We blame the overtime worked by the police, in the midst of a shortage.
- Several other expenses are increasing: the collection and treatment of residual materials (+25.3 million), financing of BIXI (+12.7 million), snow removal (+11.4 million) and computer security (+ 10.6 million).
- In terms of sustainable mobility, Montreal forecasts that its contribution to public transportation will be 715 million, an increase of 48.4 million.