deputies express their shock after the projection at the National Assembly of images of the massacres of October 7

The film screened Tuesday evening was made from extracts from the cameras and phones of the Hamas attackers and images captured by victims and rescuers.

“Attack on humanity”, “fright” And “horror” : shocked deputies testified on Tuesday, November 14, after the broadcast in the National Assembly of a film compiled by the Israeli authorities showing the massacres committed by Hamas commandos on October 7.

“I believe that those who saw this video will no longer be able to sleep in peace for a long time,” confided Renaissance MP Mathieu Lefèvre, describing the facts recounted in this forty-minute film as “an attack on all of humanity.”

Babies in body bags

Mathieu Lefèvre was at the initiative of this screening, offered to members of the France-Israel friendship group of the National Assembly which he chairs, behind closed doors, without telephones or collaborators. The film, already presented to journalists and diplomats in Israel and other countries, was made from extracts from the cameras and phones of Hamas attackers, killed or taken prisoner, and images captured by victims and first aiders.

The film shows images of civilians being hunted down, killed at point blank range, the corpses of tortured adults and children lying in the thickets, but also babies with blurred faces in body bags. It also shows attackers glorying in their actions. After the viewing, moved deputies came to testify before the press in the Salle des Quatre-colonnes of the Palais Bourbon. In tears at the end of the screening, MP Meyer Habib (related to LR), whose constituency for French people living abroad covers Israel, struggled to catch his breath.

“The images I saw are extremely violent,” confided LFI MP David Guiraud during a brief intervention. “I believe that I will never forget to respect all the dead”, concluded the elected Insoumis, at the heart of a controversy after declarations concerning the abuses of Hamas in Israel. The MP from the North, one of the fiercest defenders of the Palestinian cause, sparked a political storm on Saturday, accused of putting into perspective the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 in Israel.

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