Toddler shot dead in Bois-des-Filion | The Sûreté du Québec searches the banks for clues

(Bois-Des-Filion) Research by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) continues in the investigation into the death of a 3-year-old toddler which occurred Monday in Bois-des-Filion, in the Laurentians.

A mobile SQ command post was near the scene of the tragedy on Saturday in the hope of finding new clues to clarify the circumstances surrounding the child’s death. Specialist police officers were deployed on Saturday for ground searches.

The investigation was entrusted to the Sûreté du Québec since the filing of charges against a 19-year-old young man who was at the scene of the tragedy on November 6, in a residence in the 34e avenue. The Terrebonne—Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines—Bois-des-Filion intermunicipal police service was first called to the scene around 5:30 p.m. and is collaborating with the SQ investigation. Despite resuscitation maneuvers, the baby was pronounced dead on site.

Three people were arrested, then one of them appeared in the last few days at the Laval courthouse.

“We are talking about a 19-year-old man who faces various charges, including criminal negligence causing death, possession of a loaded prohibited firearm and obstruction of justice,” said Sergeant Audrey-Anne Bilodeau, spokesperson for the SQ in an interview on Saturday. It would be a member of the victim’s family, which the police have not confirmed at this time.

“There are two other individuals of interest who were arrested and subsequently released. The investigation obviously continues,” she stressed.

The murder weapon was not found, which partly explains the police searches on the banks.

“More precisely, the mobile command post is on the 33e avenue in Bois-des-Filion and we have police officers specializing in land searches, from the emergency intervention module, to search the banks and surrounding areas in search of clues in this case,” indicated the spokesperson of the SQ. The outing of the SQ divers was not planned for Saturday, according to Sergeant Bilodeau.

The Sûreté du Québec investigation continues.

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