TRUE OR FALSE. Are anti-Semitic acts common in the Russian Caucasus?



Video duration:
2 min


After the invasion of an airport in Dagestan by individuals seeking Jewish passengers, suspicions of anti-Semitism weigh on the Russian Caucasus. – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – L.Brisson, L.Lacroix, E.Revidon, B.Jequel, RévélateursFTV

France Televisions

After the invasion of an airport in Dagestan by individuals seeking Jewish passengers, suspicions of anti-Semitism weigh on the Russian Caucasus.

On October 29, 2023, the Dagestan airport was stormed by around a hundred individuals who were looking for Jewish passengers. Several similar anti-Semitic actions have been identified in this region of the Caucasus by the True or False teams. On Saturday October 28, hundreds of people gathered in Khasaviurt, Dagestan, southern Russia, in front of a hotel. This crowd aims to dislodge Jews and certain men enter the establishment to check the identity of the residents.

A rise in anti-Semitism linked to the international context

The next day, in Nalchik, a Jewish cultural center under construction was set on fire. There are no figures concerning the rise of these anti-Semitic acts in the Caucasus, but these different scenes show that the invasion of the airport is not an isolated case. This increase in anti-Semitic acts is partly linked to the international context because the population of the North Caucasus, predominantly Muslim, identifies with the Palestinian cause.

Present on the 19/20 info set, Wednesday November 8, Luc Brisson, journalist from the “true or false” unit, returns to the controversial remarks of Vladimir Putin. Thus, the Russian president indicated that Volodymyr Zelensky was “notnot a real Jew, a shame for the Jewish people”. According to some researchers, in his speech, Vladimir Putin uses anti-Semitic references.

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