Possible fraud at the Trump Organization | Ivanka Trump testifies at her father’s trial

(New York) One of Donald Trump’s daughters, Ivanka, testifies under oath Wednesday at the civil trial in New York for fraud against her father and two brothers, which threatens the family’s real estate empire.

Ivanka Trump is not facing civil charges in this case and left the Trump Organization in 2017 to advise her father when he was at the White House, where he dreams of returning on January 20, 2025.

Arriving smiling and relaxed at the Manhattan courthouse, Ivanka Trump, dressed in a black outfit over a white t-shirt, was sworn in before the Supreme Court of the State of New York (trial court, Editor’s note), where his brothers Don Jr and Eric Trump and the former President of the United States have already testified last week and Monday.

When the representative of the public prosecutor called her to speak, Judge Arthur Engoron, who has presided over the proceedings since October 2, joked: “Who is she? »

Before the hearing, New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who is suing Trump father and son, accused “Ivanka Trump (of) closing and negotiating advantageous loans based on fraudulent financial statements” before leave the Trump Organization.

“She will try to distance herself from the company, but, unfortunately, the facts will show that she was very involved,” insisted this senior magistrate, elected from the Democratic Party, who is demanding 250 million dollars from the Trump clan. repair.

Donald Trump, who defended himself virulently in court on Monday, is accused along with his sons and the staff of the Trump Organization of having fraudulently colossally inflated the value of their assets – a myriad of companies managing skyscrapers, hotels and luxury residences or golf courses around the world – to obtain better bank loans and more favorable insurance conditions.

Before the trial, Judge Engoron had ruled in a scathing order at the end of September that the New York State Attorney General’s Office presented “conclusive evidence that between 2014 and 2021, the defendants overvalued the assets” of the group of “812 million (to) 2.2 billion dollars” depending on the year, in the figures recorded on Donald Trump’s annual financial statements.

As a result of “repeated fraud”, he ordered the liquidation of companies managing these assets, such as the Trump Tower on 5e Avenue de New York or the neo-Gothic style skyscraper and almost centenary of 40 Wall Street.

If this decision – currently suspended on appeal – is applied, the Republican billionaire would lose control of part of his real estate empire.

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