how the Minister of Justice became a “respected” and “highly identified” member of the government

The former tenor of the bar appears until November 16 before the Court of Justice of the Republic on suspicion of illegal taking of interests. In three years, the ex-lawyer managed to find his place within the macronie. A place now on borrowed time.

This time, it’s his turn to find himself in the dock, facing what he considers to be a “infamy”. Eric Dupond-Moretti, the terror lawyer of the courtrooms, who became Minister of Justice three years ago, has been on trial since Monday November 6 for illegal taking of interests. This is the first time that a member of a government in office has been the subject of a trial before the Court of Justice of the Republic, the only body empowered to judge him.

Before this jurisdiction composed of three magistrates and twelve parliamentarians, the Minister of Justice hears “firmly” to defend oneself. He is accused of having used his position as minister to settle scores with several magistrates with whom he had disagreements when he was a lawyer. “What would have been my interest? Someone will still have to explain to me”, thundered Eric Dupond-Moretti on Tuesday during the hearing. These two weeks of trial will offer an insight into the two lives of this renowned criminal lawyer, who has become an almost essential minister, despite slip-ups and outbursts.

“He needed to get his bearings”

The man who appears at the Paris courthouse, located on the Île de la Cité, is a well-known personality to the general public, more than many of his government colleagues, according to a poll by the Figaro. The French have seen him for decades on television commenting openly on the media trials that he wins one after the other. “He is cash, understandable and very identified”confides Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson. But when he joined Jean Castex’s team in 2020, the political move appeared risky. His beginnings were not simple. The unions immediately denounce “a declaration of war against the judiciary” and display their hostility to this lawyer who became Minister of Justice.

“He was quickly pushed around by the unions, the magistrates, the parliamentarians.”

Ludovic Mendes, Renaissance MP

at franceinfo

When it comes to political communication, the “ogre of the conference” initially struggles to find the right tone without his lawyer’s robe. He discovers SO “a totally foreign world”he explained before the Court of Justice of the Republic. “His first response to questions to the government is quite delicate”remembers someone familiar with the Ministry of Justice. “He needed to get his bearings, he came from another environment”, the excuse Ludovic Mendes. Little by little, however, the microcosm observes him taking his marks. “He demonstrated that he was capable of acquiring the codes, of transforming the Hemicycle into his new courtroom”analyzes a relative.

“It’s a successful example from civil society”

To get out of it, “Dupond”, as he is nicknamed in the government, focus on affect. “He smokes his cigarette and talks with everyone, without distance, with humor”, summarizes a connoisseur of the Assembly. Smeetings in Parliament, Council of Ministers, interviews… The minister learns to navigate the political jungle. “He is respected by his colleagues and parliamentarians. He is a successful example from civil society”supports Olivier Véran. “Having someone who does not come from the political inner circle, whose professional career embodies a great success, and who is not afraid to alienate institutions, these are elements that appeal to Emmanuel Macron”analyzes Bruno Cautres, political scientist at the CNRS.

“He is a minister who is not afraid to take and give blows.”

Bruno Cautres, political scientist

at franceinfo

According to those close to the minister, the head of state also appreciates someone who does not display Elysian ambitions all day long, and who wet his shirt with numerous trips during the last presidential campaign.

But this transition to government is far from being a long, quiet river. Like in March, when Eric Dupond-Moretti made two arms of honor in the National Assembly after an intervention by Olivier Marleix, the boss of the Les Républicains deputies. The session is adjourned, the controversy immediately swells. “I saw him come out in a fury. He was in a nervous state”, says a socialist deputy. It takes the intervention of the President of the Assembly to convince him to stay. “Yaël Braun-Pivet told him that there was no way he wouldn’t apologize”, specifies another parliamentary source. He will do it after 45 minutes, trying to justify an arm of honor “the presumption of innocence”.

“His defeat did not vaccinate him”

Within the government too, the minister maintains his outspokenness. From September 2020, a skirmish pitted him against Gérald Darmanin over the concept of“wilding” of the society. An idea, borrowed by the Minister of the Interior from the far right, which would strengthen the “feeling of insecurity”according to the Minister of Justice. “With Darmanin, they get along well. Everyone remembers the few times they got confused, but they have a natural close relationship”tempers those around him.

Both men are from the North, from modest backgrounds. It is also in this Hauts-de-France region that Eric Dupond-Moretti, never elected, is trying to establish himself during the 2021 regional elections to “drive out the National Rally”. The bet is lost, the RN qualifies for the second round. “He had a ‘ratatouille’, as he sayslaughs those around him. He went because the president asked him and he is a good soldier, but he liked the contact with the people. It didn’t vaccinate him.”

“I don’t think he’s firmed up.”

Two years have passed and the failure of the regionals has been forgotten. The minister’s advisors prefer to highlight his results at the head of the chancellery. “Today, he undoubtedly has the best record of the Ministers of Justice of the last 40 years”, welcomes someone familiar with Place Vendôme. His cabinet repeatedly recalls the budget increases of 8% during the first three years, then 5% for 2024, thanks to which the ministry envelope will exceed 10 billion euros for the first time by 2027. These resources will notably enable the hiring of 10,000 civil servants by 2027, including 1,800 clerks and 1,500 magistrates, according to the programming law for justice.

“As Minister of the Budget, I saw how he was able, through his personal involvement, to obtain a historic increase in the means of justice”, assures Gabriel Attal, now head of National Education. To win these arbitrations, “Acquittator” worked on his pleadings. The second year, facing the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Budget, “each surrounded by techies reading their Excel tables”he arrived with a thick file containing all the articles from the regional daily press, rejoicing at the new resources granted to the courts, says an advisor.

“JI don’t know what comes under the power of persuasion of the Minister of Justice and what comes under the will of the President of the Republic.”nuance Ludovic Friat, new boss of the Union of Magistrates, in The world. “They only made up for part of the delay for which they are partly responsible”comments Edwige Diaz, deputy of the National Rally. The minister, accused at the beginning of “laxity”, has been showing its firmness for three years. “Pragmatism in the face of the French’s demand for security”, evacuates his team. In particular, he announced 15,000 new prison places by the end of the five-year term. Not enough to convince the right and the far right. “I don’t think he has strengthened. He remains the minister who gets applauded by the inmates”tackle Edwige Diaz.

“It will weigh in the next deadlines”

Eric Dupond-Moretti hopes to be able to continue to leave his mark on the Ministry of Justice, whether with the law on the inclusion of abortion in the Constitutionthe establishment of centers specializing in intra-family violence or even the reform of the repentant status. The Keeper of the Seals “half-blood”in his own words, who has dual Franco-Italian nationality, wishes to continue to get involved in the political debate, particularly during the 2024 European elections.

But this future is conditional on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the Republic. “If he is released, he will probably come out of it grown and strengthened in the idea that someone wanted his life, with a ‘plot’ hatched by the magistrates and Anticor”breathes Jérôme Karsenti, the lawyer for the anti-corruption association, who is suing the Minister of Justice.

“If he eventually emerges from this ordeal, it will only add to his legend as a lawyer renowned for the number of acquittals obtained in his career.”

Bruno Cautres, political scientist

at franceinfo

In the event of conviction, the Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has already warned him that he will have to resign. The executive would then be forced to find a successor. “Great specialists in legal issues exist. We have no shortage of names”tempers Bruno Cautres. Difficult to say if Eric Dupond-Moretti will return to his life as a lawyer or if he will keep the virus of politics. “He doesn’t plan, but he can do lots of things”assures those around him. “He has become a politician, so he will weigh in the next elections, including the presidential electionwants to believe an advisor. He will be questioned andyour voice will count, especially in a context where the RN is able to gain power.”

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