Serge Zaka, doctor in agroclimatology and storm chaser, is the guest of today’s franceinfo junior show. He answers questions from CM2 students.
Reading time :
5 min
After the violent bad weather that France has experienced, we talk about clouds in franceinfo junior with Serge Zaka, doctor in agroclimatology and storm chaser. To interview him, franceinfo junior hands his microphone to CM2 students from the Etienne Dolet school in Alfortville in the Paris region.
We start the show with a question from Sirine: “If we touch a cloud, does our hand get wet?” asks the schoolgirl. “How are clouds formed?” continues Amel. “When you cook pasta, can the steam that comes out form a cloud?” Violette asks. “Why when the rain falls do the clouds turn gray?” Sandra asks in turn. We then talk about lightning with Sirine. “How fast does a cloud move?” continues Violette.
On this page, listen again to this Franceinfo junior program dedicated to clouds.