Vaccination of children, campaign of Eric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse in Armenia … The informed of the morning of December 21

Every morning, the informed discuss on franceinfo the subjects which will make or make the news of the day.

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Around Nicolas Teillard and Jean-Rémy Baudot, to decipher the news of Tuesday, December 21: Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen, deputy editor-in-chief of the France department of Release, and Alix Bouilhaguet, political columnist on franceinfo.

The themes

Childhood vaccination. Green light to generalize the vaccination of 5-11 years old but the High Authority of Health recommends to vaccinate in priority the secondary school pupils. This decision caused a stir in the political class: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, unvaccinated, declared on BFM TV on Monday, December 20 that vaccinating children was “a crime“.

Eric Zemmour’s press-free campaign. The far-right candidate was traveling in the Dauphiné, far from the cameras. A new technique from its teams: journalists do not know its route in advance and are only invited to certain points of its visit program.

Valérie Pécresse in Armenia: why are the politicians rushing there? After Eric Zemmour, it is the turn of the Republican candidate to go to this Christian country, in the grip of tensions with its neighbors Turkey and Azerbaijan. A means of sending a strong signal to the Catholic community and to Eastern Christians.

The whole show:

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