will it really arrive in 2024?

Will the rail pass see the light of day next summer as Transport Minister Clément Beaune wishes? Without a precise budget to finance it, this highly anticipated measure risks being delayed. Update with NOWU, the environmental digital media from France Télévisions.

Questioned by Télématin on September 7, the Minister of Transport defined the rail pass as an offer allowing the French to “travel by Intercity or TER unlimitedly, for a single, inexpensive price”. A measure that he would like to launch, he specifies, for “next summer”.

Among the assumed inspirations for this measure: the very popular Deutschland-Ticket implemented in Germany since May 2023 which allows unlimited travel, for 49 euros per month, on public transport networks (bus, metro) and on the regional train network throughout the country.

The initiative, welcomed by environmental activists, promotes travel by train, travel which is, as we recall, much less polluting than its alternatives by car or plane.

Who should finance this pass?

Setting up an unlimited rail pass is expensive. Questioned on the subject at a press conference, Valérie Pécresse announced a cost of 1.8 billion euros for Île-de-France, describing the measure as “radically impossible, totally illusory”, reports the daily Ouest-France.

In a joint press release published on October 31, a collective of environmental organizations, including RESES and CliMates, denounced the lack of concrete financing of the measure in the Finance Bill for 2024 presented by the government.

“The regions do not know how this measure that the president announced will be financed, and they must find additional funds to finance it. Today they don’t have them.”notes Coline Serra, campaign manager at CliMates France.

“What is possible and probable is that ultimately the regions will not be able to finance this measure, which will not be implemented, or at least not in the manner planned by the government.”

Coline Serra, CliMates campaign manager

What next steps?

The collective of organizations, taking up measures already mentioned by the Minister of Transport himself, put forward various proposals to finance the rail pass: “Put an end to reduced VAT on plane tickets, increase the eco-contribution, […] and tax aircraft fuel, kerosene, which today is not taxed,” lists Coline Serra.

Questioned on the subject on November 3 at the microphone of Télématin, Clément Beaune reaffirmed his objective of launching the rail pass for the summer of 2024. “I started a discussion with the regions […] We have to agree by the beginning of next year.”he explained, adding that “the State will finance its share”.

NOWU it’s the positive media to get informed and take action for the planet! Its mission: to enable young people to become actors in the face of environmental challenges through guilt-free and solution-oriented content.

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