VIDEO. Training with US Argy, the football club saved by migrants


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8 mins

VIDEO. Training with US Argy, the football club saved by migrants

Threatened with disappearance, the US Argy football club was saved by 15 migrants to the delight of the residents of the town. Raw followed a match. – (Raw.)

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France Televisions

Threatened with disappearance, the US Argy football club was saved by 15 migrants to the delight of the club members. Raw followed a match.

The town of Argy in Indre, in Center-Val de Loire, almost no longer had a football club. “A year and a half ago, following the departure of our coach, a lot of players left. 6 of us came together to make a team of 11” remembers Eric Biaunier, vice-captain of US Argy. A former member of the club, “a former asylum seeker from the next village” told him he knew 15 new players. “We said: “Well why not, banco, let’s go there, let’s test.” Everything went well with them” adds the vice-captain. This is how, thanks to the arrival of 15 migrants, the football team from the village of Argy, 650 inhabitants, has continued. “Thanks to the migrants, our club was saved, really. And it’s important, small clubs like that, because in small towns like Argy, if there’s no football, people don’t see each other” says a resident who came to watch the match.

“There’s a lot of racist stuff, it’s impressive”

The team brings together 8 nationalities, all from Africa. Among the players, there is Musa Saidy who explains: “II’m happy when I’m on the field. Football is a state of mind, you know. I played football in my country, in Gambia”. For Mohammed Diallo, another player, the collective objective is simple: “build up the club”. If the players are supported by the coach, the president, the members of the club and many villagers, it still happens that they are victims of racism as during this penultimate match in Clion during which “fans of the other team kept making the monkey cry” testifies Musa Saidy. “There’s a lot of racist stuff, it’s impressive” regrets Jean-Michel Guesnard, linesman.

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