Sweden: the success of the anti-smoking policy


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3 mins

Sweden: the success of the anti-smoking policy

Sweden: the success of the anti-smoking policy – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – V. Astruc, T. Maillet, F. Caer, F. Peeters, M. Cipriano

France Televisions

While No Tobacco Month begins in France, in Sweden, the anti-smoking policy has met with great success. In nearly 40 years, the number of lung cancers has been divided by four. Reporting from Gothenburg.

On the street of Gothenburg (Sweden)the smoker is an endangered species. Cigarettes are prohibited almost everywhere, particularly in public gardens and café terraces. Since the bans were put in place in 2019, women have stopped. “If you have to go smoke far away and alone, it’s no fun”says one of the two. We don’t joke about the rules here. Managers of establishments who let anyone smoke outside face a fine of 5,000 euros.

“It’s okay not to smoke”

This war declared to smokers go even in homes. “It’s impossible to smoke inside, the landlords don’t allow it”says Laura Marco, a French expatriate who recognize “to be stigmatized”. Even smoking outside is difficult. Today, Sweden is the good student of Europe, its smoking rate has increased from 35% of the population in 1980 to 5.2% in 2022. The number of lung cancers has been divided by four. “We started the first bans on to smoke In the 90s. Now it’s okay not to smoke.”assures Carl Hagbergmember of the Gothenburg Regional Anti-Tobacco Unit.

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