“Above all, don’t say it”, which Hélène Segara’s entourage imposed on her as a taboo

This Tuesday, October 31, 2023, the talented singer Hélène Ségara was the guest of Valérie Expert and Gilles Ganzmann on the airwaves of South Radio

. During this interview, the 52-year-old artist discussed several subjects, notably his career, but also his Armenian origins. An opportunity for the performer to love is a sun to discuss current events.

“You know, I was saying that to my mother the day before yesterday. I was saying that one conflict replaces another and stifles another and stifles another. Obviously, Armenia is a very small country. So I think there are a lot of people who don’t care. Recently, I made a post on my Instagram where I made things clear. I said that we had to stop asking artists to take political positions. We must stop taking people hostage, believing that we are political experts and that we can talk about conflicts about which we do not know everything.” she explained.

Also see: “Stop botox, big poof!” : Isabelle Morini-Bosc reveals the horrors received by Hélène Segara after revealing her illness

Hélène Ségara proud of her origins

“The only thing that hurts me today is realizing that in all camps, people are suffering and that our humanity is being violently violated. Whatever the camp, for me, the people are human. I remember one day being in Turkey, and I was told: ‘don’t say that you have Armenian origins'”, added Hélène Ségara.

And to conclude with an anecdote: “One day I was swimming, and someone comes up to talk to me and he speaks to me in Turkish. I say ‘I’m sorry, I don’t speak Turkish’. And he says to me: ‘Ah, I thought you were Turkish ‘. And I tell him ‘No, but I have Armenian origins’… So there, my friends look at me as if it were a huge taboo. And the person looks at me and says: ‘Ah but me, I’m half Turkish, half Armenian.’ For me, that summed it all up.” A beautiful vision of things.

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