what are the effects on our metabolism?


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Time change: what are the effects on our metabolism?

Time change: what are the effects on our metabolism? – (franceinfo)

The time change will take place on the night of October 28 to 29. At 3 o’clock it will be 2 o’clock, but this change can disrupt our metabolism, especially for the little ones. Explanations.

Gaining an hour of sleep this weekend obviously doesn’t please everyone. “It’s no use, it requires you to readjust in terms of sleeping hours (…) there are a lot of people who are upset by it. There are a lot of people who complain about it a lot”estimate two men.

The biological clock sometimes disrupted

Indeed, our biological clock can be disrupted by the time change. “It’s mainly a feeling of fatigue, difficulty falling asleep or difficulty waking up, sometimes a headache, sometimes it’s digestive”, explains Doctor Roger Ruo, general practitioner. Established in 1975 to save energy, the time change was to disappear in 2021. The measure was ultimately postponed due to Covid 19. So how can you prepare for it? “You need to shift meal times and bedtimes a little.”according to Doctor Ruo.

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