We sometimes get bored of action films from the 1980s: Commando, First Blood, Romancing the Stone… One wonders why the simple and effective formula of these cult works could not be adapted to today’s cinema.
Then we look Freelance and we understand that this era is over. Or, at least, that the magic of these films cannot be easily duplicated.
Because it is indeed the old formula that we borrow here: a man with big arms (John Cena), a defenseless woman (Alison Brie), a dictator (Juan Pablo Raba), the jungle and a lot of guns. The tone, however, is that of comedy. But we’re not laughing. The best joke is in the bloopers from the credits!
It’s a shame, because John Cena and Alison Brie can be funny. He demonstrated it a few times, especially in the series Peacemakerwhile she has appeared in numerous films in addition to series Community And GLOW.
The ex-wrestler plays Mason Pettits, a former special forces soldier who reluctantly becomes a lawyer – and father – following the failure of his last mission. His marriage in disarray, he accepts a private security contract from his former colleague (Christian Slater, there for the payroll). Mason must ensure the protection of journalist Claire Wellington who goes to Paldonia to interview President Venegas. Unfortunately for Alison Brie and Juan Pablo Raba, the texts of screenwriter Jacob Lentz (Jimmy Kimmel’s talk show) do not allow them to interpret credible characters.
Although it is a “comedy”, the story is based on the political tension of this fictional South American country in which a rebellion, a coup d’état and a foreign invasion are taking place. Despite the importance of the stakes, Pierre Morel’s film (Taken) is most boring. The action consists of hide-and-seek games, slow-motion chases – the one on horseback is unintentionally hilarious – and endless shootouts.
More interminable are the repetitive dialogue scenes between the characters. The trio at least becomes more likeable as the adventure goes on, but never to the point of hoping for anything other than the film to end quickly.

(V.F.: Free agent)
Pierre Morel
With John Cena, Alison Brie, Juan Pablo Raba
1:49 a.m.