This skin-smoothing technology prevents concealer from settling into fine lines

We may have the best concealer in the world and the best associated setting powder, It is not uncommon for concealer or makeup in general to fade into fine lines as the hours of the day progress. While some rely on touch-ups, more and more others are turning to aesthetic medicine for a lasting solution.

The intervention that’s all the rage right now?
LED MesoLift, a revolutionary technique, adored by Korean women, for a smooth complexion and mirror-like skin
. Make an appointment at Maison Lutétia, one of the most chic and avant-garde institutes in Paris where Cédric Grolet and Adil Rami rush to take care of their skin, to discover the secrets of this ultra- prized.

Focus on the MésoLift LED, the new simple intervention that is increasingly in demand
MesoLift LED is a regenerative mesotherapy technique associated with energizing light therapy. This stimulating combination (vitamins, fluid hyaluronic acid, mineral salts, etc.) is injected with a gun in order to provide essential nutrients for the health and beauty of the skin. The light therapy session that follows allows the complexion to regain its freshness thanks to cellular stimulation.

The effects of MésoLift LED are immediate: the skin is hydrated from the inside, the complexion is radiant, fine lines are smoothedflexibility returns but also and above all, the complexion is magnificent and luminous without makeup ! Once the protocol has been carried out, the concealer that slips into fine lines is nothing more than an ugly memory and the eyes are instantly refreshed.

A bit like a course of food supplements, the MésoLift LED protocol (4 to 6 sessions spaced 2 weeks apart each) is ideally to be carried out every 6 months. Thus, the skin being constantly nourished, it cannot suffer from deficiencies which undermine the complexion. “Fresh skin” effect guaranteed, all year round!

Elisabeth Sall

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