War in Ukraine: how prepared are Ukrainian soldiers?



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1 minute

War in Ukraine: how prepared are Ukrainian soldiers?

War in Ukraine: how prepared are Ukrainian soldiers? – (France info)

In Ukraine, soldiers are preparing to return to the front. How are their training sessions going? Lighting.

In a forest in northern Ukraine, soldiers train in mine clearance. Some are new recruits, others are returning from the front in the west of the country.For the moment, we have left the combat zone. Here, we reconstitute our units, we integrate new fighters“, exposed Babaisenior sergeant of the Ukrainian National Guard, injured in the leg by a shrapnel.

Military tactics

In abandoned buildings, men prepare themselves for assault and defense in conditions close to real life. They know that very soon, the slightest mistake could cost them their health or their lives.In real life, I have never made such attacks. I was doing something else. This is what we are trained for. We have to be ready for anything.”assures a soldier. Under tents are unit commanders. They study military tactics, with the program capturing a village using NATO techniques.

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