International coalition to fight Hamas, hostages in Gaza, immigration… Jordan Bardella’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The president of the RN was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday October 25, 2023.

Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, MEP, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday October 25, 2023. International coalition to fight Hamas, hostages in Gaza, immigration… He answers questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia.

International Coalition to Fight Hamas: “a proposal out of the hat”

Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to participate in the fight against Hamas with the international coalition against Daesh “poses a certain number of blurs”, estimates Jordan Bardella. It’s about a “announcement out of the hat” of the head of state, “that no one knows about”says the MEP.

“Does this mean deploying French troops on the ground?”, he asks himself. For him, certain countries in the coalition “like Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Qatar finance Hamas”and he doubts their will to “deploy ground troops”.

Israel-Hamas conflict: “the priority is to recover our hostages”

“The first priority is the hostages”says Jordan Bardella. “If it has to go through Egypt or Qatar, it has to go through Egypt or Qatar”, insists the MEP. 18 days after the start of the conflict in Israel and Palestine, nine Franco-Israelis are still missing.

The RN MEP says he is in favor of reviewing Qatar’s tax advantages in France, proposed by Horizons MP François Jolivet. This country “finances Islamist fundamentalism on the soil of the French Republic” according to Jordan Bardella, for whom “we rolled out the red carpet for Qatari investments in France with this agreement” but “there is an agenda” And “the priority is to recover our hostages”he indicates.

Immigration: “No”, we should not welcome Afghan women

Should we welcome Afghan women? “No”replied Jordan Bardella, “I don’t see the added value for French society in welcoming people from Chechnya or Afghanistan”. The leader of the National Rally criticized the immigration bill and defended the RN’s referendum proposal.


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Tuesday October 25, 2023:

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