certain maternity hospitals forced to sort babies eligible for Beyfortus treatment due to lack of doses

After a very strong bronchiolitis epidemic last winter, the campaign was more successful than expected with young parents, forcing maternity wards to establish lists of priority babies, reveals France Inter.


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A physiotherapist performs respiratory physiotherapy on a baby suffering from bronchiolitis (illustrative photo).  (MYCHELE DANIAU / AFP)

Some maternity wards are now obliged to sort babies eligible for Beyfortus, this treatment which prevents serious forms of bronchiolitis, due to lack of doses, France Inter revealed on Wednesday October 25. Caregivers in these establishments find themselves forced to apply “over-prioritization” rules and administer treatment to the most fragile infants.

Just before the summer, France had ordered 200,000 doses of Beyfortus for 700,000 births, with health authorities counting on a maximum of 30% support from parents. But, after a very strong bronchiolitis epidemic last winter, this rate ultimately oscillates between 60 and 80%.

Toddler babies or members of priority siblings

It was therefore necessary to establish a list of infants “priority”, explains Christèle Gras-Le Guen, charged by the government with supporting the deployment of Beyfortus throughout the country: “Toddlers […] weighing less than 2.5 kilos, toddlers with siblings likely to be infected, or even babies from families who live in a precarious context, because we know that in these families, it is more difficult to respect the barrier gestures”.

For babies who are not a priority, caregivers remind people of barrier gestures and instructions to keep babies safe from germs. “Of course, it’s not ideal at all,” recognizes Christèle Gras-Le Guen, who nevertheless welcomes the “real success” encountered by this campaign.

Enough doses until December, according to the ministry

To date, around 100,000 doses of Beyfortus 50 mg (for the youngest) and 44,700 doses of 100 mg (for children over five kilos) have been delivered. There therefore remain 38,000 doses of 50 mg and 10,000 of 100 mg which should be delivered in November. “Volumes which will be sufficient to cover the needs of maternity units until December”assures the Ministry of Health.

According to information from France Inter, the Ministry of Health is in full negotiation with the AstraZeneca and Sanofi laboratories in order to obtain additional doses to last through the winter, if the epidemic lasts beyond the month of December.

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