“Linda wants chicken!”, this little animation nugget straight out of a studio in Angoulême

Directed by Chiara Malta and Sébastien Laudenbach, this low-budget animated film was finalized by the Angoumois teams from the Miyu Productions studio. Crowned with a Cristal for best feature film at the last Annecy Festival, it is now in cinemas.

There are films that make you want to look behind the screen. This is the case of Linda wants chicken! Sreleased this Wednesday in cinemas, the animated film by Chiara Malta and Sébastien Laudenbach first passed through the hands of numerous experts.

The animators from the Miyu studio in Angoulême took care of bringing the drawings and colorful characters to life.

France 3 Poitou-Charentes / L. Macineiras / C. Guinot / J. Etienne

Bringing drawings to life

For eighteen months, the animators from the Miyu studio worked on this family comedy in traditional 2D animation. Behind his screen, Florent Morin details the different stages of composition. In the same plane, he merges all the elements of the drawing. “We have the shades, the texture, the coloring, the lines. We started with something quite sober in terms of special effects, there were quite few explosions, we were on something which was very drawn and my job with the computer was to respect this graphic treatment” explains the composing operator.

Linda wants chicken! It also has lively dialogue and a very dynamic soundscape. To capture the atmosphere of the film, the animators approached the finalization from a new angle. “We organized a kind of sound-only filming in several locations that had different acoustics. The whole image was done in a second phase and was able to take advantage of this energy,” reports Tanguy Olivier, production director at Miyu Productions.

We must believe that all these ingredients mixed together give the recipe a little taste of magic potion, the film seduced spectators at the Annecy international animation festival last June. Just like the jury which awarded it the Cristal for best feature film.

The social and culinary epic continues its journey in theaters, Linda wants chicken! is currently on all screens in France.

The sheet

Gender : animation
Director: VSHiara Malta and Sébastien Laudenbach
Distribution : Mélinée Leclerc, Clotilde Hesme, Laetitia Dosch and Estéban
Country : France
Duration : 1h16
Exit : October 18, 2023
Distributer : Gebeka Films

Synopsis: No, it wasn’t Linda who took her mother Paulette’s ring! This punishment is completely unfair! And now Paulette would do anything to be forgiven, even a chicken with peppers, she who doesn’t know how to cook. But how can you find a chicken on a general strike day? From a henhouse to a watermelon truck, from a zealous cop to an allergic truck driver, from a grandmother to a flood, Paulette and her daughter will set off in search of the chicken, leading the whole “Linda gang” and ultimately the whole neighborhood. But Linda doesn’t know that this chicken, once cooked so well by her father, is the key to her lost memory.

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