vacation compromised for air passengers whose flights have been canceled or postponed

The multiple false bomb threats in recent days have disrupted, or even prevented, the departure of certain families on vacation.

More “security problems” in several French airports such as Tours and Clermont-Ferrand on Saturday October 21, according to the Eurocontrol organization, while the school holidays began. False bomb threats, which have been numerous in recent days, have caused flight postponements or cancellations. For some, the main occupation of this vacation period will be trying to get a refund for tickets or accommodation reservations.

Fabien and his daughter Jeanne, for example, should have spent this Saturday on a beach in Cyprus. But on Friday, just before boarding their flight at Basel-Mulhouse airport, “a security guard announced that it was necessary to evacuate”says Fabien. “We stayed for about four hours without any news,” adds Jeanne. “Our flight was canceled about 20 minutes after the alert was lifted.”

Huge disappointment, no other flights available immediately: the whole family therefore remains in the rain. “It’s not easy during this school holiday period to find new destinationsunderlines Fabien. We already have almost 650 euros in Airbnb fees, which we are trying to negotiate for reimbursement. I have launched a procedure with EasyJet to get reimbursed, but I don’t think we will get any additional compensation.”

“What should have been a moment of relaxation and rest becomes a moment of stress to get reimbursed.”

Fabien, vacationer prevented

at franceinfo

Because a bomb threat is an extraordinary circumstance. There is therefore no fixed compensation depending on the length of the flight: this measure is only applicable when the cancellation is due to the company.

Passengers have rights in the event of cancellation or postponement

But passengers are, however, entitled to reimbursements, thanks to European rules recalled by Imane El Bouanani, legal manager for Flight Right, which manages disputes with airlines: “A passenger whose flight has been canceled must in principle be contacted by the airline to be rescheduled on another flight. If this flight is scheduled for the next day, the company must cover the hotel, food or transport costs. telephone. If a passenger chooses to cancel their flight, the company must refund the entire ticket within seven days.”

And if the traveler is forced to get to the destination by their own means, by purchasing another ticket for example, it is also up to the company to reimburse the price difference.

Bomb threats and departures on vacation: report by Morgane Heuclin-Reffait

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